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Manuel Perfler: Agile Coach and Scrum Master

Manuel Perfler was already interested in technology during his time at AHS, studied at the FH Hagenberg and is now an Agile Coach and Scrum Master.

What kind of education do you have?

After graduating from the BORG Linz Honauerstraße (natural science branch), I moved to the Mühlviertel to the University of Applied Sciences in Hagenberg. There I started the bachelor’s program “Medical and Bioinformatics” and added the master’s program “Biomedical Informatics” after graduation. Since I started at RISC Software GmbH in 2015, I have been able to continuously train myself first as a software engineer and later as a Scrum Master or Agile Coach and complete several certification courses.

What made you decide to study engineering?
Would you choose to study engineering again?

In my opinion, studying technology offers many advantages if you are enthusiastic about the subject of “technology”. For my part, I already realized during my education at AHS that this subject has a great appeal. The large selection of technical colleges in Upper Austria and beyond gives you a lot of choice and a solid education. With a degree in technology, you also have good prospects for the future and in terms of career opportunities and job security. In my opinion, technical professions have a high potential for different and changing tasks, which in turn ensures a varied daily work routine. For these reasons, I would decide to study technology again at any time.

How did you hear about RISC Software?

I was made aware of RISC Software GmbH by a former fellow student when I was looking for a part-time job during my Master’s degree. Due to the wide range of topics and areas of focus that our company offers, I was able to find my personal interests in it at the time. Since the colleague in question also worked at RISC Software, I was also able to find out about the working atmosphere, working hours, etc., which ultimately prompted me to apply. To this day, I have not regretted this decision.

What are your responsibilities at RISC Software GmbH?

In line with my studies, I started as a software developer in the medical informatics unit. Later, my focus shifted to “data analysis” and “data management”, where I was able to further deepen my skills as a software developer as part of a development team. Over time, I was also able to gain experience in the field of agile project development and got an insight into the way agile teams work. Inspired by this, I decided to dedicate myself to this topic in order to enable my colleagues to work in this way. Since then, I no longer support my team colleagues with my developer skills, but as a Scrum Master and Agile Coach. I also drive the agile transformation throughout the company and advise both the management of our company and the colleagues from the different units.

What do you like about your job?

The biggest motivator for me in my job is to achieve for my colleagues what I always wanted as a developer: an agile way of working and an agile mindset to continuously develop and get better, both personally and as a team. It gives you a good feeling to see when individuals grow together over time and sooner or later outgrow themselves. At the same time, I find the problems you are confronted with as an Agile Coach very exciting, diverse and also challenging. This allows me to develop technically as well as organizationally and personally, and through the collaboration and regular exchange with my coaching colleagues, I am constantly learning new perspectives.

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